European Commission
The European Commission is responsible for the overall management of the programme, and in particular for:
- manage the budget;
- set priorities;
- define program objectives and criteria;
- oversee and guide the implementation;
- monitor and evaluate the program.
The European Commission's Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) is responsible for managing the 'centralised' elements of the programme, including:
- promoting the program and the opportunities it offers;
- the launch of calls for proposals;
- reviewing grant applications;
- contracts and project monitoring;
- communication of results.
The EACEA and the Commission also carry out studies and research and manage and finance the other bodies and networks supported by Erasmus+.
Consult the annual work programs published by the European Commission to find out more about the management of Erasmus+
National agencies
In EU Member States, the Commission largely entrusts the management of Erasmus+ to national agencies. In the other countries, and in particular with regard to higher education, this role is assumed by the national Erasmus+ offices.
The Commission funds the National Agencies to manage the 'decentralised' activities of the programme. Agencies can thus adapt the program to their national systems of education, training and support for young people.
National Agencies perform the following functions:
- provide program information;
- review applications submitted in their country;
- oversee and evaluate the implementation of the program in their country;
- support people and organizations participating in Erasmus+;
- promote the program and its activities locally and nationally.
Agencies also support program beneficiaries, from the application phase to the end of the project. They also work with beneficiaries and other organizations to promote EU policies in areas funded by the program.
Erasmus+ National Offices
Outside the EU, in the partner countries participating in Erasmus+ in the field of higher education, most of the work of the National Agencies is carried out by the National Erasmus+ Offices. These offices, which are points of reference for all those wishing to participate in Erasmus+, perform the following functions:
- provide information about the program and admission requirements;
- advise and assist potential candidates;
- supervise Erasmus+ projects;
- support dialogue, studies and events organized within the framework of the program;
- maintaining contacts with experts and local authorities;
- follow the evolution of the policies carried out.
Other organizations
Many other organizations also support the program, including these:
- Eurydice Network: provides information on national education policies and systems.
- eTwinning: an online collaborative platform that also provides tools, support and services to school staff.
- EPALE: the electronic platform for adult education and training in Europe is a community for professionals in this sector.
- Network of Higher Education Reform Experts: contributes to policy development and dialogue, communicates on Erasmus+ projects and provides training and advice in partner countries.
- Euroguidance: a network of national resource and information centers for professionals and decision-makers in the field of education and employment.
- National Academic Recognition Information Centers (NARICs): provide information on the recognition of degrees and periods of study abroad, as well as advice on studying abroad.
- ECVET National Expert Teams: promote the adoption, application and use of the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET).
- SALTO Youth Resource Centres: offer youth support, training and networking resources and activities, support Erasmus+ projects and provide a tool to find Erasmus+ partners.
- Eurodesk Network: provides young people with information services regarding education, training and other opportunities available to them.